Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Hunter Ryan

In the year 2100, When mankind has mastered space travel, everything has changed. The planets of the solar system have been colonized, from Mercury all the way to Pluto. The nations of Earth Have formed an alliance of a space naval fleet, a united fleet to protect earth colonies. When Mars colonization was over, its own government was formed, called Elysium front. They seek and destroy anything from Earth. One day, when they are finished with Earth colonies, Earth would be next.

In the year 2175, Hunter Ryan, a 26-year-old soldier who is ranked first lieutenant. He has dreamed of going to other worlds, and defend earth colonies just like his father. But then, when hunter was waiting for his father, he received news that his father died during a battle against the Elysium Front troops. Along with his friend Logan, who is ranked master chief petty officer, they are great soldiers of the space naval fleet. When they graduated the space naval Training, they are assigned to the U.N Washington, a space aircraft carrier. When they were waiting in the mission room, waiting for a mission, all of sudden Elysium Front warships appeared over New York, England, France , and Sydney. It was the beginning of their attack.

Hunter and Logan were assigned to find and rescue civilians. When they were finished rescuing as many civilians as they can, they were then assigned to counter attack the Elysium Front soldiers. While the Elysium Front troops were retreating, Hunter saw the face of the Admiral who plotted the attacks. When the U.N Washington arrived, the navy was assigned to seek and destroy Elysium Front fleets. While the navy was preparing, Hunter was promoted to captain. Hunter was feeling stressed about being captain, he didn't want to risk the lives of his crew. So he is still able to join the ground troops to attack the enemy troops. While the admiral of the elysium front is planning the full on assault on Earth.

Three weeks have passed after the attacks on Earth. When the space navy fleet have destroyed many Elysium Front fleets, Hunter Ryan has tracked down the enemy admirals fleet. Just right when it looked victory, it  was an ambush. When there are only five space navy ships left, and so many injured soldiers, Hunter Ryan decided to board the Admiral's ship all by himself. And put an end to this war once and for all.

When Hunter Ryan arrived at the ship's command center, he came across the Admiral face to face. When Ryan ran out of ammo for his gun, he decided to fight him with his knife. Half way through the combat, the Admiral said to Ryan that “he was the one who killed his father”. Ryan was frozen with sadness. When he was just to be killed he realized that he will not be the Admirals last kill, everyone on earth will be next. Ryan stood up and stabbed the Admiral. After the Admiral's death, Ryan returned to his ship with a few injuries. After his victory, he received the Medal of Honor.

Ryan visited his father's grave, crying for him. He wish his father could see how brave he became. Ryan left his medal at at his grave. He returns to the U.N. Washington, and is ready for whenever the enemy returns. And will never give up on protecting the Earth.